Rules & Safety
Dos & don’ts.

- You must wear your Riverfest button—it’s your admission ticket to 9 days of fun. Nearly all events are FREE with your button, but only if you’re wearing it.
- Provide ample time for bag checks. All bags, purses, etc., will be checked for your safety.
- Remember to wear sunscreen and comfortable shoes.
- Remember a sealed or empty water bottle that you may refill at the festival.
- Be courteous to other festival attendees, so they’ll have as much fun as you do!
- Check the Riverfest Lost & Found for any missing items. Visit 444 E. William from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday or call (316) 267-2817.
- Don’t leave anything behind—blankets, tarps, and other personal belongings—on the banks of the Arkansas River or in other festival areas overnight. Abandoned items will be picked up and discarded.
- Don’t bring pets inside the festival area (in accordance with Wichita City Ordinance Sec. 6.04.055)
- Don’t bring outside food and drink or coolers inside the festival area.
- Don’t ride bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc., inside festival areas.
- Don’t bring weapons of any kind to the festival.
Media Badges
Are you a member of the media who wishes to film, photograph or broadcast from the festival? Media badges are available. Email us with your request.